What are we about?
The tragedy of losing Andrew to depression and suicide has ignited a passion within us to create change in a broken world. We recognize the urgency to destroy the barricades caused by the stigmatization surrounding LGBTQ individuals, mental illness and suicide, and therefore, we founded the Andrew Jacob Memorial Foundation. We hope that just by existing as a foundation and by engaging in conversation, we may chip away at the walls. We may start out as a mere spark of hope in one individual’s life but our future aspiration is to make a difference in the lives of many. In doing so, we will honour Andrew’s life, we will carry forward his legacy and the footprints that he left on this earth, and most importantly, we will continue to love him for all that he was.
To make a difference in the life of at least one individual. To bring hope, peace and enlightenment to many.
Mission Statement
The Andrew Jacob Memorial Foundation was established in 2013 in loving memory of Andrew Jacob Kerkhof. Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer individuals face significant challenges in overcoming deeply harmful effects of stigmatization and homophobic religious beliefs and doctrines. Individuals living with mental illness also face significant challenges in overcoming deeply harmful effects of stigmatization. The AJM Foundation aims to improve the quality of life for LGBTQ individuals and those living with mental illness by increasing mental health awareness and spiritual health reform.
The Foundation will achieve its mission through the:
- Education of LGBTQ mental health and spiritual health reform
- Advancement of LGBTQ mental health and spiritual health reform
- Support and collaboration with organizations to enhance LGBTQ mental health
Through raised awareness and funds, we aspire to:
- End the stigmatization of LGBTQ individuals, mental illness and suicide
- Emphasize the relevance of LGBTQ matters, mental illness and suicide as individual subjects
- Equip the faith-based community with an increased awareness of LGBTQ matters, mental illness and suicide
- Educate the public in order to facilitate an increased awareness of LGBTQ matters, mental illness and suicide
- Engage conversation in order to break barriers
- Endow compatible charities and beneficiaries